The Sequel Fails

Are we Done Yet? well i hope your done killing a classic. This sequel is awful the jokes were not even funny the 2 kids looked bored. The whole thing with John C. McGinley playing Chuck a man who does everything was stupid and boring. Ice Cube was not the problem he was good in it. It was the writers fault for making this piece of garbage. Are we there yet? was classic and it was funny but this was just worthless and not funny.

Mr Bean Rowan Atkinson Legend

First of all this was not aired on the BBC first this was shown on ITV. Mr Bean is a great show and the DVD is classic and funny. After going on Amazon reading comments i read that the people in America have a longer version with added scenes then the original British version. This is just like the DVD i have the only problem is i live in England i have the Dutch DVD as they were just all out in the UK.
This is the same as it was shown in the UK so America is seeing our version to. Well Mr Bean is a legend and this is one DVD worth buying for classic comedy.
This is the same as it was shown in the UK so America is seeing our version to. Well Mr Bean is a legend and this is one DVD worth buying for classic comedy.

The Simpsons Movie (Widescreen Edition) review

The Simpsons movie is great has its funny moments the only shame is it's pretty short only been about 1 hour and 17 minutes while the credits last about 7 minutes. The DVD extras are ok but i think they could of added more with it been The Simpsons. But still this is worth buying for any Simpsons fan if you hate the Simpsons you must be stupid.

The Ringer review

The Ringer was an ok movie just a movie you would never think Johnny Knoxville would be in. Johnny Knoxville plays a guy called Steve who is trying to raise money for surgery to re-attach his gardener's fingers which is $40,000. Also his uncle owes $40,000 because of gambling.
So Now Steve (Johnny Knoxville) enters the special Olympics and fix the composition. Now when Steve enters the Olympics oh and he pretends to be handicapped to get into the Olympics Steve changes his name to Jeffy. Along the way he makes friends.
It is an alright movie and the acting is great it's just the story is really predictable.
So Now Steve (Johnny Knoxville) enters the special Olympics and fix the composition. Now when Steve enters the Olympics oh and he pretends to be handicapped to get into the Olympics Steve changes his name to Jeffy. Along the way he makes friends.
It is an alright movie and the acting is great it's just the story is really predictable.

Neighbours review

This show has been going for years and still i never find it interesting

Home and Away review

This show is dull and boring want to watch a real soap watch eastenders or coronation street

Stealing Harvard review

This movie does not have really funny parts in it. I found this movie rather boring jokes were just to stupid to even laugh at. Jason Lee is an ok actor i have to say he was great in Chasing Amy and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back other stuff featuring him i hate. Tom Green i just never find funny. Dull movie and never got made much of here in the UK

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition review

I think Resident Evil 4 Wii edition is the most enjoyable version you will play. It is different to the others and shows you how good the Wii controls are. This is one game every Wii owner has to buy or even play.

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle review

Alex Kidd was one of my first games i played but it was not this one it was Alex Kidd in Miracle World from the master system. This game was alright i think Sega made an alright attempted at it.

This is just classic

One of the best games on the Mega Drive i game i could never forget Streets of Rage is fun and it has music that you will remember for a long time. A great beat them up it was a shame that it was never added to the Sega Mega Drive Collection.