Bee Movie review

Finally Dreamworks have a good animation i can't stand Shrek and the others they made but Bee Movie is entertaining. Jerry Seinfeld brings a good voice to the movie.

AVP: Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem review

AVP R i went to see this as there was no other good movies on in the cinema and i never seen the first movie but this was pretty good. The death scenes are pretty violent like Predator shots a blade at Alien then goes straight to the girl and pins her to the wall. There is death scenes that have children as well including the Aliens kill a bunch of baby's in the hospital but that is off screen.
My favorite scene is when Predator blowing the 2 stoned guys heads off it was funny. The acting was alright I think Predator is better then the Aliens i find the Predators have a lot more respect. It is well worth checking out for some gory action but it also made me laugh for some strange reason. The worst part is the ending it sucks and it was a little to retarded.
My favorite scene is when Predator blowing the 2 stoned guys heads off it was funny. The acting was alright I think Predator is better then the Aliens i find the Predators have a lot more respect. It is well worth checking out for some gory action but it also made me laugh for some strange reason. The worst part is the ending it sucks and it was a little to retarded.

Zathura: A Space Adventure review

Zathura was a really good movie it was funny in some parts. The best stuff about this movie is the effects like the space effect because it looked so real and it was just done really well.
The story was interesting and not a single part in the movie was boring it was all entertaining.
The story was interesting and not a single part in the movie was boring it was all entertaining.

The Weakest Link review

The Weakest Link was good until it was the same thing over and over but this happens with most with quiz shows which does get boring.

Tekken 2 review

This is my favorite Tekken game the graphics way be blocky but i don't care about that. This game can be challenging and it offers a good amount of fighters my favorite is Marshall Law and King.
The music to this one as well beats all other Tekken games Michelle Chang's stage her music is my favorite.
I have played them all and still Tekken is my favorite fighting game of all time.
The music to this one as well beats all other Tekken games Michelle Chang's stage her music is my favorite.
I have played them all and still Tekken is my favorite fighting game of all time.

Super Paper Mario review

I found Super Paper Mario an ok game the amount of text in the game becomes boring to read if there was voice's included in the game then it would become interesting. The game is fun once you do get into game play. But I prefer the classic Mario from the NES oh and Mario Galaxy

Rip Off

I just got Boogie for christmas and ok I never thought that I was going to get this game. Boogie is pretty bad as it features cover tracks and not the normal tracks. First of all when you start the game you get this annoying guy talking about how to play the game and you cannot skip it. Wait a moment I have already read the book I got with the game now I have to wait over 15 minutes to here some silly guy telling me how to play.
If you hate pop music then this game is not really for you because all most every track is pop music. For the price this game is its pretty much beyond a joke its about ยฃ49.99 - ยฃ39.99 come on they could at least put the price down. You can also dance with this game but what were EA thinking bringing this game out they must of been mad. There are far better games you can get for your Wii just dodge this game. Well I give this game 3/10 I don't know why because I hate it but I suppose they tried and failed. Even singstar on the ps2 is way better because it features the real track with music video.
But every time I try to play it I just get bored and the game it's self is just not fun I find this game appeals more to the girls. But overall this is what I think also I need to add it is really hard to keep up with the game with the text been so small.
Microphone works great in your computer though.
If you hate pop music then this game is not really for you because all most every track is pop music. For the price this game is its pretty much beyond a joke its about ยฃ49.99 - ยฃ39.99 come on they could at least put the price down. You can also dance with this game but what were EA thinking bringing this game out they must of been mad. There are far better games you can get for your Wii just dodge this game. Well I give this game 3/10 I don't know why because I hate it but I suppose they tried and failed. Even singstar on the ps2 is way better because it features the real track with music video.
But every time I try to play it I just get bored and the game it's self is just not fun I find this game appeals more to the girls. But overall this is what I think also I need to add it is really hard to keep up with the game with the text been so small.
Microphone works great in your computer though.

Beavis and Butt-Head Do America review

Beavis and Butthead are stupidly funny I seen this movie ages ago and its funny even better then their great TV series. This movie is one worth checking out if you need a laugh.
Oh the cast line up is wrong the director was not Yvette Kaplan she directed the animation. But this movie was directed by creator of Beavis and Butt-Head Mike Judge
Oh the cast line up is wrong the director was not Yvette Kaplan she directed the animation. But this movie was directed by creator of Beavis and Butt-Head Mike Judge

Super Monkey Ball review

This my favorite gamecube game it was fun addictive and one of those games that will keep you entertained for hours. It has the Dole banana brand in the game which was the only one that had it. Well this game is all about going through a maze with a monkey in a ball to get all the banana's the game also has 4 great players to chose from.

Rumble in Hong Kong [Region 2] review

This movie is bad all over for starters Jackie Chan only features in a tiny bit of the movie he plays a bad guy. The editing is really bad it's all over the place and the dubbing is just terrible it is out of sink all the time. In parts when someone speaks it clearly misses it out.
The real name for this movie was Police Woman they used Rumble in Hong Kong to cash in on Jackie's own full movie Rumble in the Bronx.
The real name for this movie was Police Woman they used Rumble in Hong Kong to cash in on Jackie's own full movie Rumble in the Bronx.