Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max review

not a good street fighter at all the worst one I've played bad controls and makes you feel like smashing your psp up

Comix Zone review

this has to be one of the best on the mega drive graphics were brilliant for its time. controls are fine. great idea this game was.

Legacy Of Kain: Blood Omen 2 review

bought this game a long time ago didnt think much of it at all very boring

House of 1000 Corpses review

i agree with the review below mine.
Evil Dead is better then this and this just looks so stupid it looks more like a comedy then a horror.
if you want a good movie see ichi the killer
As for house of 1000 corpses it is s**t not worth buying or watching at all same for devil rejects CRAP.
1/10 rob zombie ok singer, bad director
Evil Dead is better then this and this just looks so stupid it looks more like a comedy then a horror.
if you want a good movie see ichi the killer
As for house of 1000 corpses it is s**t not worth buying or watching at all same for devil rejects CRAP.
1/10 rob zombie ok singer, bad director

1408 review

This was a good movie strange in some parts kind of reminded me of identity.there's a few scares in movie i thought Samuel L Jackson would have had a bigger part.
I disagree with the review below mine its worth watching some great stuff in it.
I disagree with the review below mine its worth watching some great stuff in it.

Robot Wars review

i dont think any of these started in robot wars cause it was Craig Charles who presented the show and yet hes not on there. but anyway firestorm, razer, hipno-disc and chaos 2 were my favs in robot wars great show it was to.

The Shining review

This a re-make of the shining which cant beat the classic this one looks stupid and the actors were bad.
Jack Nicholson is the best and no one can beat his version of the shining and stanley kubrick what a brilliant director he was.
Oh and i love that line from Jack Nicholson heres johnny classic but when the guy says it in this one its boring and no feeling to it.
This re-make is not worth watching at all.
Jack Nicholson is the best and no one can beat his version of the shining and stanley kubrick what a brilliant director he was.
Oh and i love that line from Jack Nicholson heres johnny classic but when the guy says it in this one its boring and no feeling to it.
This re-make is not worth watching at all.

Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle review

this movie is not bad has some good jokes in it but some arent funny but still worth checking out also in england they call it harold and kumar get the munchies. i cant wait to see what they do in karold and kumar 2 coming out 2008

Vacancy review

great movie good story plot to it. 2 people david and amy fox (kate beckinsale and luke wilson) david takes a short cut as he says and ends up getting lost so they meet this guy to try and fix there car. then once there back driving again there car breaks down. they then go back to the motel and from then on its crazy. First of all theres bangs coming from the door and they go out and no one is there.
David finds videos of people getting killed in the motel then when hes watching the video he soon finds out its the hotel where he is. The he finds there spying on him and amy from camera's all over the room. From then there hotel manager and his men are trying to kill them. The ending though was pretty weak but all together it was great.
David finds videos of people getting killed in the motel then when hes watching the video he soon finds out its the hotel where he is. The he finds there spying on him and amy from camera's all over the room. From then there hotel manager and his men are trying to kill them. The ending though was pretty weak but all together it was great.

D.E.B.S. review

this movie sucks its stupid and the writing on it was bad the stars of the movie werent to good but devon aoki was alright still take it from me do not see this movie.