The Charlotte Church Show review

The Charlotte Church Show is a late night talk show which has 2 or 3 celebrities as guests. This also has hidden camera pranks playing them on the public. The show would end where Charlotte would sign with one of her guests on the show. At first i thought the show was going to be boring but its entertaining and Charlotte Church is actually a good presenter

The Simpsons Road Rage review

the simpsons road rage is not bad kind of like crazy taxi but no where near as good.

The Simpsons: Hit & Run review

the simpsons meet grand theft auto not a bad game maybe one of the best simpsons games out at the moment you can play as apu, bart, lisa, homer or marge

New Police Story review

one the best movies ive seen jackie is still good at doing stunts even at his age

Ys: The Ark of Napishtim review

this game is terrible whereever u move a loading screen not a good game at all so dont buy it.

Sega Genesis Collection review

sega genesis / mega drive collection is a really good game which is also out on ps2 but this one is the version to buy as its portable. This game has all the classic game such as Sonic The Hedgehog 1 and 2 but no 3. There's another classic Columns a but like tetris but better. Golden Axe 1, 2 and 3 brilliant theres overs games that you may enjoy on the collection and that you may hate. Note that there should of been Streets Of Rage 1, 2, 3 as its a classic

Tekken: Dark Resurrection review

tekken dark resurrection is one of the best fighting games on the psp actually one the best games on psp. the games is pretty much like tekken 5 but with 2 new added fighters. if your a big fan of the tekken series like me then your going to love this.

Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie (1996) review

this movie really sucks sonic is a legend in games but movies more lik for little children

Grand Theft Auto review

thought it was based on the game or something but this movie sucks real bad

Summerslam review

a great summerslam i own the dvd which is now rare great match with mr ass vs the rock the loser has to kiss this big womens ass pretty sick but funny. a hardcore match with big bossman vs al snow these 2 take it out of the arena and into a bar its got to be one of the best hardcore match i have seen. Test VS Shane Mcmahon another great match,
and the main event
Triple Threat WWE Championship Match:
Mankind v. Steve Austin v. Triple H
this isnt a bad match pretty good with the special guest ref as jesse the body. if u own the dvd it has commentry from stone cold steve austin, triple h and mankind which makes it best to own the dvd
and the main event
Triple Threat WWE Championship Match:
Mankind v. Steve Austin v. Triple H
this isnt a bad match pretty good with the special guest ref as jesse the body. if u own the dvd it has commentry from stone cold steve austin, triple h and mankind which makes it best to own the dvd