WWE No Mercy review

eddie's last ppv and yes its a pretty good one the eddie and batista story line was funny just wish they could carry it on smackdown is not the same without eddie i sure do miss him. this also has a casket match with bob and randy orton vs the undertaker these are the only 2 worth seeing oh and simon dean been made to eat all them burgers yes its so funny.

Best Of Backyard Wrestling - Too Shocking For TV - Vol. 3 [2003] review

hardcore and extreme this is the way wrestling should be

WWE New Year's Revolution 2005 review

one of the best pay per views of the year i enjoyed the whole event only match i didnt like was hassian vs jerry lawler cause we all know lawler should of won. the chamber is just the best one of all time on this its a must see.

WWE - McMahon review

the story of mcmahon interesting to any wwe fan it dont matter if u hate him or like him and the extras make this dvd classic

Noel Edmonds is a legend

this is one of the best gameshows i have seen Noel Edmonds is a great presenter. The game is all about 22 boxes and the contestant must take out the blue boxes. While taking out the boxes the banker gives an offer then they say if they want to deal or no deal. The American version is a whole lot diffrent to our version in the UK. The American version has models holding the boxes while the UK version has the contentions opening the boxes.

Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly review

great game just really scary

The Simpsons: Dark Secrets review

the X-files episode The Springfield Files is just classic its worth it all these are grear episodes as always the simpsons are

Casualty review

the only hospital drama i like this show is just so well made

Waterloo Road review

i started watching it from series 2 i thought it was going to be boring with it been to do with teachers and school but its a great drama with a great cast

ECW: One Night Stand review

this has my fav match from 2006 edge and mick foley vs tommy dreamer and terry funk it was total hardcore and thats what i love. people say edge's sucks they dont know anything this proves how good edge actually is. all the men in the match made it worth watching and so did lita.
cena vs rvd everyone in the ecw arena hated cena so i was happy about that.
angle vs orton was a boring match, also the king vs tazz didnt think much to that. but all together it was a good ppv better then the first
cena vs rvd everyone in the ecw arena hated cena so i was happy about that.
angle vs orton was a boring match, also the king vs tazz didnt think much to that. but all together it was a good ppv better then the first