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Triple H is the King of Kings

Posted : 16 years, 9 months ago on 26 May 2008 04:04 (A review of Triple H: King of Kings - There is Only One)

Triple H one of WWE's biggest wrestlers a 12 time champion now here is his DVD The King of Kings. I am happy to own the DVD it has some great matches on what a whole load of matches and history not on here.

Triple H and The Rock not a single match at all this is due to The Rock's Three disc DVD coming out which the matches will feature on there. I would of liked Triple H VS The Rock from Summerslam 1998 which was a ladder match why this was missing maybe down to WWE releasing The whole Summerslam boxset it would of been nice though to add that match.

The DVD features some great matches even though I already have them on some of my other WWE DVD's it is nice to own them on this collection. So here are my favorite matches on the DVD.

No Holds Barred WWE Championship Match
Triple H vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
No Mercy (17/10/99)

Career vs. WWE Title Hell in a Cell Match
Triple H vs. Cactus Jack
No Way Out (27/02/00)

2 out of 3 Falls for the World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels
Armageddon (15/12/02)

Hell in a Cell for the World Heavyweight Championship
Batista vs. Triple H
Vengeance (26/06/05)

Last Man Standing Match
Ric Flair vs. Triple H
Survivor Series (27/11/05)

Those are my favorite on this DVD I did enjoy the extra which featured a match with Henry O. Godwinn in a Hog Pen match it's really good. As much as the cover say it features commentary with Triple H only one match which is Triple H 1st professional match which you know not in great quality. I would of like to have herd Triple H do commentary on every match I like to here what there thoughts were about the match. Another match which should of been added and this is one of the best Triple H VS Cactus Jack from Royal Rumble 2000 that was classic but I own the WWF release of that anyway. The DVD is still good but it's Triple H this guy should be getting a 3 disc DVD set not 2. But no doubt Triple H is one of my all time favorite wrestlers which the important thing is I did enjoy the set just more matches needed to be added. This DVD however is better then The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin that was disappointing. A WWE DVD collector needs to add this to their collection.9/10

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The History of Undertaker

Posted : 16 years, 9 months ago on 26 May 2008 09:34 (A review of WWE: Tombstone - The History of the Undertaker)

This is Undertaker's DVD which does not feature a documentary just a history of matches of Undertaker's career but the DVD is still great anyway.

My favorite matches on this DVD

Fully Loaded 1999 - First Blood Match vs. Stone Cold - This match is great it features Vince McMahon on commentary which is funny at times. This is a really interesting match the logo blurring is not that bad during the match.

No Mercy 2002 - Hell in a Cell Match vs. Brock Lesnar - This is another great match Brock Lesnar was a great wrestler in WWE and watching this match is just really good.

Unforgiven 1998 - Inferno Match vs. Kane - This match is a classic but I now have these on other DVD's which I have it 3 times and also have it on VHS. Alot happens during the match which I will not go into detail you may have seen the match or not.

King of the Ring 1998 - Hell in a Cell Match vs. Mankind - The best on this DVD this is what I bought the DVD for in the first place. Mankind aka Mick Foley been thrown off the cell that was amazing and then been chokeslammed through the cage it was unbelievable then Mankind's mouth full with blood it was a fantastic match. This match alone is worth owning on DVD. The logo blurring is alright.

I really don't need to go on about this DVD anymore it is worth having just a shame because I really did want to know the background of the Undertaker real name Mark Callaway. But any WWE fan should have this DVD even if you hate him you cannot take away the fact that Undertaker is one of the best wrestlers in history.

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Posted : 16 years, 9 months ago on 25 May 2008 09:22 (A review of Action 52)

Who would want this pile of garbage Action 52 is one of the worst games I have played the games they are flat out boring and the 52 games well most have problems and at least one I recall does not work.

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WWE Royal Rumble 2008

Posted : 16 years, 9 months ago on 25 May 2008 09:58 (A review of WWE Royal Rumble 2008)

The Royal Rumble one of the biggest events of the year which was good yet disappointing and what I mean is some weak matches and some bad editing.

Career Threatening Match [Ric Flair vs. MVP] - I like MVP but I really hate Ric Flair he is to old and boring but trust me if you like the nature boy then watch it if not I would skip it.

Chris Jericho vs. John "Bradshaw" Layfield - This is where editing takes place right in this very match but believe me it is a really good match. The ending happens near the end this is where Jericho made a mistake you will notice the editing back the crowd cheering then a loud booing noise covers up the editing then changes back to cheering. I like steel chairs been smacked over heads and blood which this contains so it is worth watching.

World Heavyweight Championship Match [Edge vs. Rey Mysterio] - This match is good Edge been heel is great but I do think Rey Mysterio is a great wrestler and the build up to the match as not very good but this match is quite good.

WWE Championship Match [Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy] - This match is good you really see how Jeff earned this match he's worked hard to get to a main event singles match and believe me it is a good match. I like both Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy. There is editing again on this Mike Adamle made a mistake in the live event but saying Jeff Hardy's name wrong only WWE chopped it out.

Royal Rumble Match - One of the biggest events of the year which will take a wrestler to WrestleMania 30 men battle it out. This match starts with 2 good wrestlers Undertaker and Shawn Michaels why so early I will never know. The outcome of the match for me is poor only for John Cena to be number 30 and win the dam thing shame I wanted Triple H to win. Anyway the rumble is good and even if you hate Cena it is worth watching. The funny thing was John Cena won that rumble but never won the main event at Wrestlemania what a waste but some what funny.


Home Video Exclusive: Triple H Talks To John Cena Post Royal Rumble Match

Intercontinental Championship Match - RAW January 14, 2008 [Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton] - A good extra what we need is an extra match this is not really a match but it is great that it was added here. The picture is not so great but this match has Jeff Hardy doing a sawnton bomb from the titantron on to Randy Orton good just the camera angle kind of sucks. This is great to add to it

Overall: The event has it fair share of poor matches and good matches it should of added more to the event as the extras these are really piss poor should of been more added but WWE never do that those tight bastards (sorry for my swearing). The DVD is in a Steel Book (Steel case) which is great to add into my WWE collection and anyone who has one or starting one. I will give it a 7/10.

Worst matches

Career Threatening Match [Ric Flair vs. MVP]
World Heavyweight Championship Match [Edge vs. Rey Mysterio]

Good matches
The Royal Rumble match
WWE Championship Match [Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy]
Chris Jericho vs. John "Bradshaw" Layfield

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Elephants with Diabetes im Serious

Posted : 16 years, 9 months ago on 22 May 2008 10:59 (A review of Packy and Marlon)

This was from a website just to give you more information and more detail into the game

"A side-scrolling adventure game that helps children and teens with diabetes improve their diabetes self-management. Rats and mice invaded diabetes summer camp and scattered all the food and diabetes supplies throughout the woods, lakes, mountains, playgrounds, and haunted cabins. Packy and Marlon are diabetic elephants who thwart the invaders and find all the missing supplies. To stay in good shape during four simulated days, players must keep their character's diabetes under control by measuring and monitoring blood glucose, taking insulin, selecting a balanced diet in three meals and three snacks a day, and handling diabetes emergencies."

As for what I think the game is very slow and what you have to do is get food such as breakfast and find it there is bits of it all around the level. Before that you see one of the elephants with a needle. I don't like this game personally it might be good for people who are diabetic as it may help them in some sort of way. I personally knew nothing about this game I just was looking for Rom files and found this game. But I think it's a very depressing game it should of not been made it's not one that will make you happy and I have a feeling people who bought this game and who were diabetic did not like this. So as for this I cannot rate it as I am not diabetic but it may be useful for people who are diabetic. If you don't believe me about this game I will even show you cause I am not even making this up.

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Nickelodeon GUTS This game is boring

Posted : 16 years, 9 months ago on 22 May 2008 10:06 (A review of Nickelodeon GUTS)

Do you Have it? This is Nickelodeon GUTS some American TV show into a game we never had this here in England. This game is like American Gladiators which is another SNES game that was bad this is also bad. The game is short and has some really bad games on the game the controls are hard and really thats all I have to say about it. The graphics are decent though for the games age.2/10

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GTAIV better then ever

Posted : 16 years, 10 months ago on 17 May 2008 11:45 (A review of Grand Theft Auto IV)

Grand Theft Auto one of the best selling series out there and I have played them all and have not been disappointed. Grand Theft Auto IV is finally here and does not fail to disappoint Rockstar North in Scotland have really done their best to make sure that this game is top quality which it is. Grand Theft Auto has taken a big change for once this game looks, feels and plays realistic.

The first thing when coming in to this game I had problems the screen was too dark you can't hardly see a thing. I configured the brightness and contrast which did solve the problem.

You play as Niko Bellic who is a a Serbian veteran of the Bosnian War now makes his way to America in Liberty City. Niko meets his cousin Roman Bellic who has lived in Liberty City for 15 years which he says he is living the American Dream. Niko is not like any other character from the previous Grand Theft Auto games for one he is funny and the other reason he gives the choice sometimes if he wants to kill a person.

Liberty City has changed a lot more as it looked in Grand Theft Auto 3 it is bigger and looks more beautiful. There is Times Square which with the graphics used it looks amazing every bit of this game looks fantastic. Rockstar games have really made the game top quality I have never seen anything as great as what they have done here.

Niko has a phone which is carry around with him which you can phone people to do extra jobs, make prank calls to the cops, fire department or the paramedics, you get a camera on your phone which you will use in some missions. If you get sick of driving you can phone up Roman who gets you a taxi to take you a places for free but sometimes he's to full and the man is not that nice at all. I want to know if anyone else thought one of the taxi drivers looks like Sadam Hussein because I think he does which is funny.

The driving on Grand Theft Auto has changed a whole lot it feels a whole lot more realistic but it harder in the game at first. Driving at speed takes quite sometime to slow down and if you are speeding and crash you will fly out of the window.

The radio stations to me feel a bit dull I don't really like the music on them and I have never herd any of the songs at all. If you don't like the radio stations you can put your own music in the game. The theme of this game though is excellent which is Soviet Connection by Micheal Hunter you here a remix version at the start up of the game.

Now as I said with Niko having a choice to kill people can change the game a little bit which is one of the new features to Grand Theft Auto.

The blood in the game is better shooting someone you will blood all over there face and body as well as when Niko gets shot you will see blood come out from him nice to see more of that. The shooting can be good though a hate auto aim I use free aim that way a get better shots. The police now have a 6 star wanted level and on the map you can see where the cops are so you try and dodge them much easier if you can but they can be hard and annoying at times.

Grand Theft Auto is one of the best games of all time and here you have a masterpiece with some of the best graphics of all time. If anyone needs a great game it's Grand Theft Auto IV just if your going to buy it for kids make sure they are responsible and not to be stupid to copy anything from the game.

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360 is great but has big issues

Posted : 16 years, 10 months ago on 15 May 2008 10:52 (A review of Microsoft Xbox 360)

XBOX 360 is an OK console it's not the best by far due to having so many problems the Red Ring of Death is the most common then the disc tray. Microsoft should have made this system long lasting and they never I think it's for people to waste there money on another one. Even the elite XBOX gets the same problems and all that money you spend on the system is just over the top. Don't get me wrong XBOX 360 has some great quality games but the system certainly is not top quality.

Sony and Nintendo make great consoles which are long lasting as my PS2 lasted about 5 years before that went and Nintendo most of theres last very long.

As I said XBOX 360 is a great console but it has problems and if your warranty has ended then thats your XBOX done for. I still own mine but I might get rid of it after i am finished with GTA IV. One last thing I am definitely not a fanboy.

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Mario & Sonic finally together

Posted : 16 years, 10 months ago on 10 May 2008 01:21 (A review of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games)

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games is the best Olympic game that is out there is pure fun all the way. The game features a whole load of events such as athletics, gymnastics, shooting, rowing, archery, aquatics, fencing, and table tennis also included the dream events. The dream events are nothing really to do with the Olympics and are fun.

You can chose from all your favorite characters from the Mario and Sonic series also add your Mii into the action. I found a problem as my favorite game character Donkey Kong was not added and he is part of Mario. My favorite to play in what the game offers is Sonic, Shadow, Blaze, Wario and Browser. My favorite on the game is the skeet shooting and the aquatics events which have you in the pool. The game wears you out easy but you will want to keep playing because it does get very addictive.

The only problem is that the Wii has some trouble on games such as the table tennis as i found it does not respond well to that game and a few others but it does not really matter as you will be busy enjoying the other games it has to offer.

This features online connection but only to the leader board with records i am trying to really beat. Anyone looking for fun buy this game it is great to play as a single player and multiplayer. This is really worth the money a must have for anyone who owns the Wii. Finally Sega do a good job after a lot of there games lately of been bad this makes up for it.

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Should of been worked on more

Posted : 16 years, 10 months ago on 10 May 2008 01:17 (A review of Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis)

Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis was a hit title for the XBOX 360 and what a great idea to use the Wii control system and brings this game on Wii.
The graphics to the game are pretty good the Table Tennis players are very detailed which is important along with the courts they look good for the Wii.

Well if you are left handed like myself you will have problems why Rockstar Games only made it for right handers it's beyond a joke. There is not just right handed people who want to play you know instead Rockstar Games are been biased.

The worst part that i find annoying in this game is you swing to take your shot and about 8 - 10 seconds later it takes the shot but Wii Sports Tennis done it straight away i hate having to wait takes the good feeling of the game away.

The music to the game is decent it's really dance music but it's reasonable to be on here. The game is a little easy just a shame on the controls and it only been right handed.

This could of been a good game but seems as it was rushed what a shame and a waste after paying ยฃ29.99 for this well during October 2007 the price should of been lowed still.

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